Tuesday May 05, 2015
Project Censored - 05.05.15
Tuesday May 05, 2015
Tuesday May 05, 2015
This May Day program begins with musicologist TM Scruggs sharing some of the best-known labor and revolutionary ballads. Then Santa Rosa, Calif. organizer Luis Santoyo explains some of the May Day actions taking place in his city. Geoff Davidian of the Real News Network discusses the rights of citizens to film police. Finally, a look at the 45th anniversary of the Kent State shootings. Joseph Lewis was shot and wounded that day; Laurel Krause lost her sister to the National Guard's gunfire.
Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
Project Censored - 04.28.15
Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
This week's program offers two perspectives on global capitalism and permanent war. Sociologist William Robinson makes the case that the present state of capitalism may be a "systemic crisis," something not seen in centuries. Then peace advocate Kathy Kelly relates her experiences, from Afghanistan to US prisons, and refutes the notion of"humanitarian war."
William Robinson teaches Sociology at UC Santa Barbara. Kathy Kelly is the founder of Voices for Creative Nonviolence.
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Project Censored - 04.21.15
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
On the Project Censored Show Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips discuss Smart Meters, Mass Surveillance, and Public Health Concerns. They’ll look at some of the controversies surrounding Smart Meters, including those revealed in e mails between CA PG&E and the CA PUC, among these are spying on customer use and sharing private information with third parties, which has been confirmed by the Northern California ACLU. They interview Cindy Sage of Sage Associates, an international environmental sciences consulting firm in Santa Barbara, and Sandi Maurer with the EMF Safety Network. They close the program in discussion with Kenn Burrows, longtime lecturer and director of the Holistic Health Leaning Center at San Francisco State University, where they address the precautionary principle and the broader and increasingly relevant public health risks associated with EMFs and WiFi technologies that are being recognized both in the scientific community and by governments around the world.
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Project Censored - 04.14.15
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
This week's Project Censored Show focuses on police violence and prisons. The program begins with Carl Dix examining the fatal shooting of Walter Scott in South Carolina. Then Jeff Mackler gives an update on the medical condition of Pennsylvania inmate Mumia abu Jamal, and we hear abu Jamal's latest recorded commentary. In the second half of the program, Maya Schenwar discusses her new book about the prison system, "Locked Down, Locked Out," and makes the case for shrinking the prison system.
Carl Dix is cofounder of the Stop-Mass-Incarceration Network; Jeff Mackler is director of the Mobilization to Free Mumia abu Jamal. Maya Schenwar is editor-in-chief of Truthout.org.
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Project Censored - 04.07.15
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
This week's show is a speech by author Peter Dale Scott in which he discusses both the "deep state"
(the network of powerful institutions behind the elected officials) and the history and expansion of the
federal "Continuity of Government" program. He spoke at Sonoma State University as part of the campus's
first Social Justice Week March 26.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Project Censored - 03.31.15
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Mickey Huff interviews Nolan Higdon regarding his recent series "Justice for Sale,” a Project Censored investigative report on prison privatization. Then we hear highlights from a recent speech by former Black Panther Charlotte O'Neal, aka "Mama C."
Nolan Higdon is a college history instructor in the San Francisco Bay area. Charlotte O'Neal was a member of the Black Panther Party in Kansas City in the the 1960s. Today she operates a school and community center in Tanzania.
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Project Censored - 03.24.15
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
and social justice education. Abby Martin speaks about her years as host of "Breaking the Set"
on RT Television. Then Tanya Ward Jordan and Michael McCray examine new legislation meant
to enhance whistleblower protection in government and the financial sector. Finally, Sonoma State
University student Shelby Wade talks about organizing a Social Justice Week on her campus.
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Project Censored - 03.17.15
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips ask what's behind the Obama Administration's recent imposition of sanctions against Venezuelan officials, and its claim that Venezuela threatens U-S national security? Gloria La Riva and Roger Harris address this question. Then filmmaker Adam Horowitz discusses his documentary “Nuclear Savage,” in which he makes the case that the U-S deliberately exposed Marshall Islanders to fallout from South Pacific nuclear tests, to study the effects of radiation. PBS helped fund “Nuclear Savage,” but has never broadcast it. Miya McHugh intern from College of Marin, assists.
Gloria La Riva is with the ANSWER Coalition; Roger Harris is with the Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas. Adam Horowitz has been a documentary filmmaker since the 1980s.
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Project Censored - Fukushima four years and forever - 03.10.15
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Four years have now passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began. This week's Project Censored Show looks at Fukushima from several perspectives. Attorney Charles Bonner provides an update on the lawsuit seeking damages for the US Navy sailors who've suffered debilitating injuries since their ship was sent into the disaster zone to do relief work. Cindy Folkers speaks about the hazards of radioactive particles, and the inadequate monitoring of the Fukushima radiation releases. Retired nuclear engineer Arnie Gunderson looks at the overall safety record of nuclear power and finds it wanting. And Libbe HaLevy explains how people can minimize their radiation exposure.
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Straights and LGBTQ - 03.02.15
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Program summary: Hosts Peter Phillips and Miya McHugh examine LGBTQ issues in contemporary America. The first guest, Sonoma State University sociologist James Joseph Dean, discusses his new book "Straights;" Dean contends that today's "post-closeted" queer community has also impacted the sexual identity of straight heterosexuals in American society. Later in the program, a queer-youth viewpoint from from College of Marin student Caitlin McCoy.