Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Project Censored - Iraq Frequences: 10 Years - 03/26/13
Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Project Censored presents special program produced by Nora Barrows-Friedman, Iraqi Frequences: 10 Years. This radio program is part of a wider initiative to create a resource kit for community organizers, activists, and all people affected by the occupation of Iraq to forge out responses and disseminate information as a means of making sure that this is not just another anniversary that passes us by. For much more information and more incredible features on arts, culture and politics, check out ShakomakoNET: http://shakomako.net/ Today's show includes the voices of:
Dahr Jamail, journalist and author of “Beyond the Green Zone Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq” and “The Will to Resist: Soldiers who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan”
Dr. Sabah Alnasseri, political science professor at York U
Liisa Schofield, activist and anti-poverty organizer
Ali Issa, activist and organizer with War Resisters’ League and
journalist with Jadaliyya
Sundus Abdul Hadi, multimedia artist
Rijin Sahakian, artist and co-founder of Sada, a non-profit project
supporting new and emerging arts practices through education
initiatives in Iraq and public programs internationally
Ahmed Habib, writer, journalist, and part of the editorial team at
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