Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
Project Censored - 09/30/14
Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
The show looks at Affordable Housing and Coalitions for Building Safe and Healthy Communities in the San Francisco Bay area. We address how reactionary forces including the Tea Party and Nimby groups seek to block equitable housing and livable communities . Our guests include Wendi Kallins with the Coalition for a Livable Marin, Samuel Tepperman-Gelfant a Senior Staff Attorney with Public Advocates which supports equitable development and affordable housing, and Chris McManus community housing advocate and researcher in Fairfax California. Famously liberal Marin County, California should welcome affordable housing and non-polluting transportation, but does it? Three housing activists say Tea Party members from outside the county have intervened loudly to obstruct planning processes, and have also recruited allies among local opponents of growth.